The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

In His Head

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I have become so much aware of my age recently. Not my specific age as such, but that dawning realisation that I am getting older and may not actually be immortal.

I am not, however going to get old before my time. The invitation for the Christmas night out came today. Dermott said that he wasn’t going to go as he’s really too old for nights out now.


“Can’t be arsed,” or “don’t want to” are completely acceptable reasons to duck nights out but “too old” is not, I will be dragging my wrinkly ass to the pub as long as my legs keep working. I will fully embrace being the batty old lady with her batty old mates giggling away in the corner.

Too old. What a load of p1sh!


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