...We’ll grow up ....maybe!!!
Clair decided she needed a really comfortable chair to relax and recover in so we went to an out of town shopping area near Ashford to purr-chase said chair!!!
#Linda obviously approved of this chair!!!
#she also enjoyed a fake cuppa with an enormous teddy bear!!!
#I felt quite camouflaged on this chair....but they found me! :))))
#C loved this one and is very happy with her new buy. The man in the shop said we made his day with our fun and laughter. He said what a fabulous friendship we had. If only he knew the strength behind these 2 ladies.
whilst there C got a call to have another operation to have her other mastectomy....she was so happy that they’ve agreed to do it. The man in the shop thought she won the lottery. L and I decided not to elaborate and save his blushes but that made all 3 of us giggle some more.

Call into Mums for a cuppa and cake and catch up with my sister and niece again. I didn’t stay long as I had swimming and tutoring and my sister was meeting up with her teenage friend she hadn’t seen for about 35 years!!!

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