Looking up

I left work to get the train. I looked up and grabbed this shot. I liked the spiky buildings.

I sat down on the train and made myself comfortable. Then the guard announced that the train wouldn’t be stopping at Winchester but he didn’t say why. He announced another train to get but didn’t tell us which platform it was leaving from. We left the train mumping and moaning.

Having found the platform we learnt that there were points failures at Basingstoke and we weren’t sure if any trains would get us home. But then they announced that the train was going to run. By now passengers were talking to each other.

We left and then they announced that the train would stop at Woking and they they were going to route the train to Southampton bypassing Winchester. I phone HtP to see if he could come and collect me. Having ascertained that he could I offered a lift to two other ladies. So HtP and I brought Jane and Michelle home. What a day

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