Ready for Halloween

Windows decorated pumpkin scraped out the paper pumpkins are what grace and Autumn painted the other week.

But what a day. Up early as paula had a doctors appointment, at 8am bloods. Then dogs walked followed by lunch and a 2 bus journey to hospital for her 3pm appointment. The Nurse Practitioner took all details and had a look at the things on her face and ear which i can only describe as huge wart like things. They have been getting bigger and bigger and 2 years ago the doc said it was classed as cosmetic and she would have to go private to have them removed. Anyhow 2 weeks ago she had a word with another doc who referred her to dermatology Chapel Allerton

Anyhow the nurse practitioner said he would go for the specialist to take a look and when he came it was the same one who in 2011 removed the cancer growth on her face, Dr Hussein, ( he's rather dishy) he greeted her like an old friend said she had been one of his first guinea pigs in micro surgery and said we'll get rid of both of those for you, she was sure they would only do one. So 6 weeks and then she should be hearing from them. Scrape and corterise.

Halloween is going to be fun as the new suite is coming between 4 and 7 just when all the trick or treaters will be coming and my grandchildren.

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