Sieze the day

By Mario

The Carnival is over

The Carnival is over and all the rides were covered up. This ride was completely covered so you could not look inside the stilled Merry go round, I peeked in under the big curtain and I didnt see the beautiful horses that I saw when it was working and had children and grownups alike riding the horses with all the coloured lights working. No what I saw was more like something from a Steven King novel. Once again on my way to make a blip about 20:00 tonight I was paged another emergency job to be done. My day today started work 07:30 finished 17:30 home dinner did the dishes had a shower off to blipland 20:00 pager goes off finished my call out 23:30,process my images and up load to my journal 24:00. I think I did well.

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