It's Got a Death Curse!

My Dear Fellows and Dear Princess Normal,

I like today's picture, I don't often take pictures that I like* but this one seemed rather jolly. And it mirrors my mood. I have been in upbeat spirits lately.

I think it is my NOSE, you know. Since starting the new treatment regime I feel so much better. The sort of better where you suddenly realise just how shit you felt before. Lately I seem to have received a WHOOSH of energy that I had been lacking of late. I thought it was just old-buggerdom. 

This has happened to me before. In 2011, I found I was suffering from an infected bollock. I have no idea how this happened and the bollock symptoms were not apparent. I thought I had a bladder infection or something. The doctor poked about down there** and told me I had epididymitis, which is Latin for "knackered bollock".

The weird thing was, after a course of antibiotics, I felt SO much better. Better than I had in months! Clearly my bollock had been dragging me down all that time. Try not to picture this.

So that is how I feel right now. It is most untimely, considering that today is Halloween. But today does seem to be a good time to tell you that I have resurrected my plans to try and become a podcaster. I do not think this is unrelated to my current WHOOSH.

As you may remember, I was w*nking on about this years ago. I wanted to try and do an epic podcast on the Habsburg family and had written a few episodes. But then the whole Scottish Government debacle happened and I got weighed down by work and forgot about it.

Now I'm thinking perhaps I was too ambitious. So I've ordered a microphone and have written some podcast episodes about horror films. This is a subject upon which - for some reason - I seem to know a decent amount. I sometimes listen to other people who podcast on the subject and they are for the most part, fecking clueless. So it should be easy for me. I think.

It would be nice if I could make some extra cash doing it. But if not that, then at least it should be fun and might build my confidence regarding Medieval royal families. We shall see.

Happy Halloween everyone,


* Except those which feature cats.

** I looked elsewhere and tried to pretend I was not in the room.

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