Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Why we come to Colorado

Is for this man to hunt elk.  So today we woke up to -7!!!    The snow is about 8 inches deep but the drifts are up to my knees!     The man had a problem getting the truck to crank but he worked it out and we were back on go.    So after we ate leftover pizza for lunch, we headed out to the piece of property where we walked a little, sat in the truck a little, then he saw some movement.  So I stayed with the truck and he started walking just as you see in this photo.   He was heading down to where those two trees are to the left.  Not really that far but further than it looks here as the land dips up and down a good bit.  

No luck but he did see more elk!   Which is good.   I saw him walking back which is uphill so I got out of the truck and walked to where he could see me.  He waved  his arms so I knew he wanted me to drive the truck to meet up with him.    Listening to the snow crunch under the big tires was a thing!!!!   Hoping I did not get stuck.      But I met up with him and he said his feet were freezing even though he had good boots on.  So we headed back to the hotel with a stop for some KFC chicken for him and a salad with chicken for me.  

Tomorrow may be a repeat.   Men are weird!    

Oh yes, the temperature did get up to 11F.  But the sun actually felt great and no wind was blowing!    The landscape is really pretty with all the white.  

And I am so grateful that I left my dog with my son!   I cannot imagine having to walk here in the snowy/ice and her poor little feet.    A smart move on our part!! 

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