After the ball

Set out for a run along the foreshore more than half an hour after sunrise. People were out and about, mostly to do with boats and fishing trips, or walking the dogs, or just walking. One or two other runners. Not as many camper vans in the car parks this morning as a couple of days ago when I counted 12; four today.

I passed this young woman exercising her dog. She threw a tennis ball out into the water; the loyal dog set off after the ball, actually leaving as she prepared to throw. Already he has quite a bow wave, and she is also creating a bit of a splash as she follows through on the throw.

Daughter C and Mr H and Young went to a midday BBQ nearby, before heading back to Auckland in the mid afternoon heat for another appointment. In the late afternoon S and I went to the plant shop (which is also a mega hardware store), and the new wall thermometer we also bought showed that in the direct sunlight while looking at plants, the temperature was 37 C. Later, on the deck, we enjoyed a casual "picnic" meal to end the day. There was almost no wind, and the temperature was still 26 C.

Going to miss the fun with the grandchildren, with two in Sydney and two back in Auckland. Back to work next week.

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