
A music venue near Kings Cross, where I have the pleasure of staying in the local Travelodge tonight.

I went out for something to eat this evening.  

There were two girls (I'm guessing late twenties) at the table next to me, who struck up a conversation, seemingly baffled by someone eating on their own with a good book for company.  

They were both quite drunk, and while one of them appeared to be flirting with me (however unlikely that might sound - I presume it was just for practice or out of sympathy), the other was clearly contemptuous about my solitary state.  She effectively ended the conversation after a few minutes by saying (in her full Essex accent) "there's something wrong with your chromosome - it's making you mad to think it's OK to go out on your own". 

Her friend apologised for her when she went to the loo.

I went back to enjoying my book, but couldn't help overhearing snatches of (loud slightly drunk) conversation.  The one concerned for the wellbeing of my chromosome was having trouble with her love life, and was concerned she might be pregnant.  This seemed to be in spite of her being on the pill and using condoms, but she was utterly convinced there were days in her cycle when "nothing can stop you getting pregnant", having read this on the internet.  Her somewhat saner friend made valiant but ultimately unsuccessful attempts to suggest that this internet intelligence might not be right...

They left before my main course arrived (after arguing with the waiter about whether they had consumed 1 or 2 bottles of wine) leaving me to my peace and quiet after a very busy day.

The whole situation made me 
a) feel rather old 
b) feel very glad to be past having to deal with that sort of cr*p!

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