Bright and Early for their Daily Races

I'm back on the morning climb. (when I say climb I mean a short incline of 100 steps, top to bottom - but it's enough to raise my heart beat to 120) ....

Today I did it a bit cack handed.  I started at the far end - and realised that the climb is not so steep, but I stood and enjoyed the view, and the crazy  cormorants stretching their wings. 

Then I spotted a flock of gulls - I want to say they were oystercatchers, but not....  They were having a wee murmuration to themselves. It was stunning to watch - even better through the lens of the camera. 

Then I came back down to the car, and drove to the opposite end, and quickly ran (walked really fast) ... up to the top - got my heart rate up and skipped back down . 

Then work. 

It was such a busy day - i have so much in my head.   When I got home, I left the house for 20 minutes and walked around the estate - just to clear my head.  I did laugh when I got round to the local shop  - they have completely overboard for halloween.   

There are ghouls hanging outside the shop - heads, and inside there is a full size witch with a cauldren - she's stirring it and she speaks when you walk past.  - See Extra 

It's too much for me. 

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