no editing whatsoever.

walked to and from work today, about 2 miles each way. im gonna do this every day!!!! or as often as i can, or so i say now, because i just re-realized how good walking is for you! how have i not thought about it all this time!? this is a sudden, exciting, and magical revelation for me cuz we just moved offices for work so i no longer have a gym nearby like i did before, so i was like aw crap, no more lunchtime workouts :( but this is even better!! TWO workouts a day if i walk both ways, AND, i don't have to take extra time to change or shower, and it's functional (getting from one place to another) as well as exercise. oh and i took this pic while i was walking home today. TRIPLE FUNCTIONALITY. aaaand, it's a really good time to think, reflect and pray. QUADRUPLE FUNCTIONALITY. did i just rant for a whole paragraph about walking?

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