Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Faces of Fiona #79

Fiona's sister and now her Dad are sick with the flu again today, but Fiona is recovered and her old happy whirlwind self -so we picked her up from school and she played here (and had pancakes for dinner) until her Mom got home from work at 7:30. I always want to get a picture at her school but we aren't allowed to take photos of the other kids - but today they were off playing in another part so we found Fi and she is happily getting ready to come with us. She told us she took the rubber band out of her hair because she "didn't like how it was". :-) she also told us her "birthday is coming up' (end of the month) and is practicing singing happy birthday.

Busy day today with errands all over town, but we also managed a stop at the Fyre Art Museum and I was tempted to blip some of that. But I feel like I'm about 150 years old and this art has so passed me by that I couldn't really explain what was going on there in this exhibition called Mm (Moment Magnitude). The whole exhibition extended beyond the museum and including performances and other installations.

So I thought I best stick with Fiona - she's only a little bit easier to explain. :-)

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