
By Livingandloving

Turning Eight

Today was a BIG day. My Sugar Bear's 8th birthday. How could it be possible that this amazing little honey has been a part of my life for so very long. When she came along she simply made my life what it was meant to be. I know it sounds totally corny, but she utterly and truely completes me. She is the best person I know. I learn so much from her each and every single day. I constantly find myself trying to be the person she deserves to have as a mother.

I tagged along with her at school this morning, and enjoyed watching the little celebration of her birth. So many sweet little moments. Each child in her class made her a birthday card this week. Reading through them melted my heart. Today, they sang her a little song.....and she acted out the process of travleing around the sun 8 times while holding a globe, as the children counted the rotations. It was so beautiful to watch. Then she was officially ushered into the 8 year old club by the child in her class who last turned eight. Finally, each child verbalized a birthday wish for my girl, or told her something they appreciate about her. Such a treat.

A little while later, she passed out the blueberry muffins for her friends to enjoy. She was so happy to share her favorite muffin with them.

After school, we went to the frozen yogurt shop and had a little celebration for the two of us. We picked up pizza on the way home, and presents were the final bit of her day.

Turning 8 is complete.

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