A Moment in Time

Its been a bit of a mixed grub dish today as The Boss was running low on some of my “add ons” and things got a bit creative...The weather was the same with sun, cloud, even more cloud, rain and right after he decided to go with todays image sun again. WE had a trip to the local supermarket with New Suzz  (which is getting older but the name sticks) and discovered that in Wellington you can buy small packs of meat stuff which would easily be split for 2 meals but here in Wanaka with (at the moment) only one supermarket everything was “large Economy Size” which is annoying when you are not a “Large Economy” eater so he didn’t buy any of it.  
I would have been perfectly happy with super large economy but I had forgotten my Barka Card...Right!
There was a special event this morning while we were staggering our way to a friends place as the local primary school was having a bike moment and there was a lot of kids on bikes with a police car at the front and rear. The Boss waved and most of the kids waved back but he was taken a bit by surprise so no pic...Sorry.
AND now the sun is shining and a bloke in a Hi Vis  jacket is running down the footpath opposite alongside a couple of tourists riding bikes so all is well with the Wanaka world once again.

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