mid-season murderer...

...of the poinsettia plant

i knew it would come to this - a fateful day - week - or month... i would turn around - the leaves would be falling off - having turned to blackened red instead of the brilliant vibrant red it once was... the green turned to brown - yellow to rust...

why - why me - why this plant... it was gorgeous - full - alive and hardy when i brought it home - it spoke of life - told me it would last - not be like all the others i have had come into the house with me - the ones that have lied...

i was so hopeful...

now i'm sad - for this plant - the fact that i've once again become a pointsettia murderer - how its sap is on my hands... the fact finally becoming my reality - i cannot keep them alive - regardless of how well i do with other plants - that supposed "green thumb" is a myth, people - don't listen to it - for it hasn't worked with a poinsettia for me - boo! now i live with the regret - the failure...

alas - one shining truth can be gleaned from this mournful day - even in its plight - there does remain beauty with its ending - a wonderful definition in the petal veins - variegation in the blossoms themselves, that wasn't as noticeable before... so i can take away some small pleasure from this - still see it as...


happy day.....

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