Cathedral & ceramics

It was a cloudy, cooler day today.

We were able to skip the queues into the cathedral as I bought a combo ticket when we visited El Salvador church the other day. We headed straight to the bell tower before it got too busy. Originally a minaret when it was a mosque, the bells were added at a later date when it became a cathedral. No steps in the tower (apart from the very end to see the views and bells) but all ramps, 35 of them, designed to allow horses/donkeys to get to the top. Then a walk around this impressive, large cathedral. I wandered off with mum whilst dad stayed with Mr C. Mr C can spend hours in churches/cathedrals And whilst mum and I had a good saunter around we then waited for them in the orange court yard. Mr C came out to find us but he hadn’t finished looking around yet so he and dad went back in and mum and I went and sat outside a restaurant and had a drink.

I also pre booked tickets to see a flamenco show in the evening so we wandered back to the hotel to get changed. The plan was to walk to Triana, on the other side of the river and grab an early supper. However, most of the restaurants were closed until later in the evening. We wandered around quite a bit and we were all flagging slightly after our big walk around the cathedral. We ended up crossing back over the river and went to an indoor food hall with lots of different outlets selling various foods. Also well timed as it started to rain.

A slow saunter back to the theatre and a sit down in the reception area until we were allowed in. I chose this theatre as reviews were good. It was a small, intimate theatre and there would be two dancers, male & female, a guitarist and singer. The acts change every day so the reviews are comparative to what you have seen. I haven’t seen a show before so have nothing to compare it too. But I didn’t think the singer or guitarist were particularly great and I think mum would have liked to have seen more dancers and dresses. So maybe a larger show would have been better to see.

Triana is where all the ceramics for the city were made.

Extra nighttime in Seville.

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