Black Cat Appreciation +1

Well I know International Black Cat Appreciation Day was officially yesterday, but I had already decided the previous evening that Theodore would be my Blip, and I hadn't realised it was this too.

But it doesn't really matter if it's a day late anyway, as every day is Black Cat Appreciation Day when you share your home and your life and  your tuna butty with someone who is Prince of Pusses, King of Kitties and Maharajah of Moggies! (Otherwise known as Minstrel Cat!)

I have been over to the Folks today - they are OK despite ongoing plumbing and electrical issues! If it's not all resolved this week I will be doing some chasing up!

While I was there Ally set to barking ferociously - clearly someone was in the garden. I went out to see what was going on, and a delivery lady was there, wanting us to take in a huge bouquet of flowers that were for "Mrs-Next-Door" (i.e. the neighbour who is not Estelle!) Fortunately Estelle came out also, and she took the flowers in. If I'd taken them my mum would have assumed they must be for her and wanted to mess about with them. It would have been an ongoing battle for my Dad, and she would have made his life Hell for giving them to their rightful owner - for all the things she forgets within seconds, she would remember that he gave flowers to another woman for a year!

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