Angel Underground Station

I had planned to walk to Angel Underground station this week but I've not made it out of the office.

Angel station was originally built by the City & South London Railway, and opened in 1901 as the northern terminus of a new extension from Moorgate. It is one of five stations on the London Underground named after a public house - in this case the once-famous Angel inn, which dates back to at least 1638. (The other stations are Elephant & Castle, Manor House, Royal Oak and Swiss Cottage.)

I will blip the station when I can.

Go large to find the cow

Smile factor:
My brother in law - Geoff came round for dinner. It is always good to see him

I was planning on blipping an angel in a stained glass window, so I walked around some churches on the way to work. However at 8 in the morning they were all closed.

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