Stargazing (not so much)

Well, despite cloud and fog, I still got in the car and trundled over to Tatton Park to go to the Stargazing Live event.

It was well worth it as I had a long chat with someone and got some much needed reassurance that the processes I am using to set up my scope are correct. Also found out that I need a relatively inexpensive piece of kit to resolve my issue of inward focus when imaging.

yes, it is true, I am a science/astronomy/photography geek. Of the highest magnitude.

Also had a lovely chat with a couple who attend the Liverpool Astronomy Society meetings at Pex Hill which is not far from us and have been told to get my backside along to the Wednesday night meetings.

In other news, I have had progress today in terms of the hospital. Got through to the consultant's secretary and finally got some answers, with no sense that I was being a fusspot or anything. Lovely. So it looks like I will either be going in on 21 or 28th February. The difference I felt once she told me that was staggering. I now have a time frame, I know what I have to do and how long I have to do it and so I have a sense of purpose now. I can get my stuff ready to hand over at work, I know I have until half term to get my students as far along as possible and can do an assessment before I go so that the person who is taking them for me knows the score. I just feel like a fog has lifted and it's going to be OK, in the long run. Maybe sleep will come a bit easier tonight!

Also, it means I can celebrate my 40th as the operation is definitely going to be after it. Quiet celebrations mind you, but something will need to be done!

So, in celebration, I have cracked open the bottle of Jamieson's that Wallybobs from work bought for me for Christmas - Cheers Walter :-)

I am now going to retreat to the bath, have a long soak, drink some more and go to bed.

Anyone in Manchester on Saturday - a little blipmeet is going to occur...see forum.


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