The changing faces of Fluffy Legs

Today was Bella's Groom day so I thought we would go for a lovely long walk as it didn't matter how muddy we both got. However, I didn't really expect the down pour we had where we both got drenched. Look at poor Fluffy Legs in the middle She looks like Broken Legs!!!

Mr W took Bella for her Groom. I hate taking her now as she gets quite stressed which makes e stressed which makes her even more stressed. I sent the groomer a message to say what I wanted and I left for work.

I met a colleague and we travelled to work together. Luckily it was cancelled while we were en route so we stopped some where for a cuppa and a chat. She's recently lost her mum very unexpectedly so I offered her an ear and some support and she updated me on all the changes going on at work.

After a spot of food shopping I got home to find Fluffy Legs wasn't quite so fluffy anymore and although I preferred the 1st look, she needs a good groom every 6 or 7 weeks so stop her getting matted.


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