Ill never be the same if we ever meet again....
Looking at the sky is the best thing.
Weather and all it's foibles are great.
Living by the coast there is nothing more exhilarating than seeing the weather fronts coming in.
This front, gently drifted about a mile up the coast, and sat there all day, meaning that my washing stayed wet on the washing line with the perma-low-cloud, but my work heated up sufficiently enough with the sunshine to kick the Air Con onto full, so as we sat in brilliant sunshine, we shivered as the temperature plummeted.
It was only as I turned the corner half way home I realised that the cloud hadn't lifted from round the corner.
It has now, and now the sky is as clear as clear can be. - But I'm not going out there.... I don't want to get sucked into freezing my bits off while I stare at the stars.
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