
As we travelled to the Eurostar it struck me how like ants we are!!! So many people all moving with intent in a particular direction only difference is that we all had separate goals.
Our journey went well with a nice little meal on the train that perked us up for a while then we all snoozed a bit for the last part.
Got sorted in our hotel then off! (Probably around 4pm)
Lovely sunny, warm day. Welcome to the city where smoking is the norm and is actively promoted! Very odd to see people selling packets of cigarets and bottles of wine on the street corners!
We walked from our hotel to (oh crumbs names gone!) the largest museum!
Along one of the main roads I spotted a pet store as we walk past and could see there were puppies for sale. I was drawn in. I can't tell you when last I saw a pet store like that. I was very young. I felt so sad for the puppies in particular, just shut up in a glass box with nothing but sawdust. I wanted to rescue them all!
Then we decided to spend way too much money getting a ride in a little scooter thing to the Eiffel Tower. Isn't it funny how the most enjoyable events tend to be when you feel your life is at risk! We laughed so much as a scene from the pink panther unfolded in front of us as we were whisked through the city.
A crepe to keep us going then a boat ride along the river and back. Beautiful! :)
Dinner and ....... Bed.
27,000 steps! Zzzzzz! :D

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