Walking the Dog -45

No Prizes...
... for guessing the weather.
Watch the rugby with Mr P and Elaine who had stayed over after going to the bistro for a tasty dinner before seeing the girls dance last night.
Mike dropped Kitty off on his way to Leeds to pick up Ruby and Verity from Northern Ballet.
I drove Kitty to dance in Skipton.through more torrential rain and when l had dropped her off Elaine and l went to the farm shop for a coffee and a scone.
Back home now going to have fish and chips for tea before Strictly.
We all said we would rather be going to see the girls dance again tonight’s but it’s a sell out.
Renewed my subscription yesterday for another year on Blipfoto, isn’t it fabulous value, only 10p a day?
We need to pay up to keep the site going : it’s nonprofit making and run by volunteers.
So while it’s on my mind let me say a big thank you to the team for all they do for us x

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