Tales of a bedbound mum

By Bedbound

And so she tries window art

A came bouncing up to my room tonight saying 'mummy can I try window art tonight' well because I have mastered it enough now I said yes and this is her first introduction into the world of window art and she loves it... It's very addictive ...

I have had a good day today.. Been on the landing on my lunch time call, always good to get out my bedroom and spent twenty minutes doing window art on my own this afternoon. I am sure that more energy and better motor control etc could produce some awesome master pieces but I am keeping simple and enjoying the fact i am doing something...

I know I am having a good time at the moment as I managed to feed myself today. Pain seems to be decreasing a bit which is better though it might just be because I have increased my pain meds... Either way I am staying home.

S had a visit from a large charity today. It sounds as if they have accessed government finding which will allow them to help us out in some practical ways which will make life easier for us all... Why this stuff can't be done by the state I will never know though...

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