Planko's Pics

By planko

Hairy Bikers Chicken and Ham Tangle Pie

Mist en-route to and from work today stopped any chance of outside blipping today, so my offering is a shot of the tasty dinner I helped Mrs P make. Another Hairy Bikers meal. We really are going through the entire book!

It was very tasty, and is another thing we will be having again.

Diet Log:

Breakfast: Apple Muller rice, Special K cereal bar, skinny latte
Lunch: HB Beef & Ale Casserole & 3 pieces of boiled potato, Fruit
Dinner: HB Chicken & Ham Tangle Pie with carrots

Doing pretty well apart from the sugars goal where i'm always over my goal of 24g per day. Its all the fruit thats doing it, so I need to find something else to eat other than fruit thats still healthy and tasty. Anyone got any ideas?


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