Merry invited a few friends over for drinks

This is my big effort for today, and it didn't require much time for the set up and cooperation from Merry. She's getting the hang of helping because it means treats. Raspberry worked first, treats after. Merry still needs the treats to hold her attention, but she's unfazed by the whole thing.

Yesterday, my eyes began itching, this morning a bit more with some goop as well. I went to the clinic after dropping T off at the train. The NP said it's hard at the beginning of the redness and itching to tell if the infection is bacterial conjuctivitis or viral. She prescribed some drops for a week just in case it's bacterial. To be safe I should consider it viral and be careful of the contagiousness for a week. As a retired public school kindergarten teacher, the affliction is very well known to me. I was hoping to visit Nora and Hunter today, but that's off the schedule for a while.

I also had my high dose flu shot and sadly my arm hurts already, the NP said I might feel a bit under the weather as well. Good thing it's a fairly free weekend. 

Next on the docket today is to take the car to a tire shop to have yet another nail extracted and plugged. Luckily the dash warning light brought the low tire to my attention. I got air hoping it was just the temperature change, but the light was on later in the day and I finally saw the nailhead. AAA came to the driveway and quickly put on the donut spare last night. I have an appointment in about an hour to have it plugged. 

For the Record,
This day came in cool and sunny with increasing clouds.

All hands happy it's Friday.

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