An eye on nature...

By Wendybee

Hallo there! Where's my breakfast?

Oh what a beautiful day at last with blue blue sky and sunshine! This little fellow got me grabbing my camera again, seeing him up and down the trees and waving his tail at me because he was cross!

I'm sorry not to have responded and commented on anyone lately, but I have been completely preoccupied on survival, reading, reading, reading everything about my MND condition, and working out diets, trying to get organic food, reading every food label on tins etc. I do have limited energy and it doesn't help to spend the hours I used to on the computer. Excercise is really important too, though I have to be careful not to overdo it. This days blue sky was certainly so uplifting even though all the fields and paths are so soggy! But I do hope to slowly catch up on you lovely encouraging people...

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