Show and Tell

Today at nursery we had a Show and Tell. We took our favourite Christmas present in to talk about. I took Snowy the Snow Leopard. Here are some facts that I know about snow leopards:

They live high up in rocky mountains.
They have long tails to help them balance.
They have big paws to help them climb.
They have thick coats to keep them warm and the pattern helps them hide.
They can't roar.

Just before Christmas we noticed that the gap in Orla's top teeth seemed to be getting wider. We took her to the dentist and an x-ray revealed that she has an extra tooth between her two top teeth. It has started to come through now and is pushing one of her front teeth out and to the side. She has been referred to the dental hospital and we got an appointment in for her today, so hopefully it can be easily rectified.

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