
By StillLearning

Alpaca cavalry

The mist made life difficult today. Returning home from some errands, it seemed as though I was driving on the edge; one moment clear, mist the next. Although it was mostly mist.

I have to go by a nearby farm which has a real mix of livestock. Ostriches, for example, are sometimes to be seen. As I was passing, the flock of geese were having a chat amongst themselves. Given the blipped swans of yesterday, I thought I would continue the bird theme. So I stopped.

Of course as I approached they wondered off. Clearly they are used to fending for themselves and don't need human scraps thank you very much. They weren't alarmed, they just didn't need the company. As they were wandering off, an alpaca appeared on the top of the hill in the mist and it can be seen as a faint smudge in the top right hand corner. Perhaps they were getting ready to come over the hill to the rescue; perhaps not.

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