Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

I’ve got my eye on you

I am lucky to have cats for my emergency blips. Today was wet and I worked at home all day, so I didn’t do anything memorable. So here is Scout in a box.

The Dizzle went off to the Lake District, an eight hour journey in the rain and the dark. TSM came home from work at a reasonable time for a change; but neither of us had much energy. 

The political bankruptcy of Britain continues with Boris trying to use the best interests of the British people as a bargaining chip for his political ambitions. And apparently the majority of the British people, according to a survey, are ok with violence if it gets them what they want (leave or remain).

However I always have an inestimable faith in the possibility that tomorrow will be better. And if it isn’t, there is always family and cats.

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