High Tide
The weather forecast had predicted rain, so was very surprised to walk up to the sun shining. I made the most of it and went for a pre-breakfast walk. However the weather was closing in as East Lothian disappeared and then the Isle of May disappeared. By the time I got home there were a few spots of rain, and then it rained. The perfect excuse to finish my book. The rain stopped after lunch so we risked a drive along to Pittenweem. BB and I walked along the coastal path to St Monans and back, working up an appetite for the Chocolate Café – which is where we met up granny and grandad.
It was a massive waffle for BB, chocolate brownies for granny and grandad and the most delicious sweet treat for me. It was small, sweet and delicious. By the time we emerged the sun was shining, so we walked back down to the shore and wandered along by the harbour before heading home to Crail.
My dad I had our evening constitutional by the harbour and did some more lighthouse spotting. Granada requested fish and chips again. We are on our holidays!!
It was high tide in Pittenweem.
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