Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1825. 5 Years....

According to my figures today marks my 1825th Blip...but I may be wrong...haven't had the usual reminder email from Blipfoto so maybe it isn't....but my numbers tally?

Oh well I'll celebrate it as though it is...until someone tells me differently!

5 Years seems an awful long time to upload a photo every day...but I have had some back Blips when I stopped for a few weeks a while back...but...all of the back Blips were images taken on the specific days so I don't feel too worried about that!

Off to my photo club this morning as we have a chap from the British Antarctic Survey Team coming to show us images from his trips so that will be very exciting....plus I have even managed to confirm two external speakers for next season's session so feeling pretty good about that.

My youngest submitted his first assignment for this year's OU course and he did ok on it too...huge sigh of relief.....and my eldest got a decent mark on their assignment too....I don't know how on earth I managed two such smart kids!

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