What Me?

26 days old
Do you remember when you had very small babies and you had one of those evenings, 'the witching hour' my sister-in-law calls it, when you wanted to send the baby back?  That was yesterday evening.  It didn't matter what we did, who we passed him to, how often Mum and Dad changed him and fed him and jiggled him, Euan was not to be consoled.  The nurse was phoned, Auntie Anne and various friends texted, but there was nothing to be done, he howled and it was that piercing cry which gets to the soul.  After what seemed like hours, and was probably not, Becky tried one more feed and he crashed out.  By this point nerves were raw and emotions high so we sent Mum and Dad to bed to get some well earned sleep and we sat in the dark with the little one. 

Thankfully Euan slept for three hours and then went down quickly after the next two feeds no bother, giving us all something of a lie in.

This morning he has had a bath and I love this one of him fixed on his Mum as she gently washes his hair.  Then we went for a walk with him in the carrier which went well.  These first few weeks are tough but it's smashing to see him becoming more alert and seeing more of the world around him.

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