
It’s best, perhaps, when giving things to siblings that they are more or less similar, to mitigate any peer envy. At least that is my weak excuse for having the same pattern on all the mitts, not that it was easier, which of course it was.
The missing 5th pair of mitts was given to daughter#1 2 two weeks ago on her birthday. Even though the mitts are more fiddly to knit for stiff fingers, It was good to take a rest from knitting beanies. Depending on how many of the latter Maggie’s can sell for their funds, I will be happy to start on them again.

With 2 sleeps left until the distaff side of the family are let loose on Stobo, excitement is mounting. With the news that daughter#3, recently returned from Oman and holding a brand new CELTA certificate, has bagged herself a job we have another excuse to celebrate by gracing the cocktail bar there.
If anyone still thinks Stobo is a health farm, let me disabuse them now.

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