Flying high!

Little Missy has been great!  She was really interested in taking the photo lying on a couple of stools!  Then she was very interested as we removed the background in Photoshop.  We tried a couple of photo skies but finally decided to make our own!  She decided on where and how big the clouds had to be.  And ordered a yellow sun! 

We are on our own today as Ro has gone to the match abroad!  We were changing numbers into drawings, then the blip, lunch and now she is giving me a wonderful concert! Now we are about to play schools!  

Our son woke up from his operation last night when they removed the breathing tube.  He spoke to his wife then and this morning!  Due to leave the high dependency unit as soon as a bed becomes free in the next stage!  I’m feeling much more relaxed! It is beginning to sound good! 

Magic pink shoes! Please could you   Click on this link and then on the pink bar: "Click to give - It's free!"  This is to help towards funding mammograms for people who can't afford them and don't have the NHS we have.

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