
By Snowyjones

Thoughts of India

Three things that do not go well together - heat, humidity and my hair. Today’s mission was a haircut. It transpires that this is a complicated procedure involving helmetless motorbike rides with no foot pedals between premises, phone calls being made and a hearty use of the old google translate. Eventually though the mission was complete and I left feeling somewhat more presentable.
After which I returned to the restaurant I had been to last night
I had set my mind on going for an Indian meal as much for the sake of familiarity as anything else. It did involve crossing 5 crossroads which is no mean feat in this city with its 13 million inhabitants. It involves inching your way through never ending waves of motorcycles coming from all directions but there is no other way to do it. Eventually I reached my destination just a little frazzled.
This city, more than the others I have visited in Vietnam has a certain flavour of India about it. Sitting listening to Bollywood music and Indian voices and watching the funny sideways nod they do with their head (I have never worked out if it means yes or no) I was transported back to my time spent in India 30 years ago. As recollections washed over me I felt such a fondness for that country and it’s people, and it’s mango lassies it has to be said. So with thoughts of all the magical things about India I wish you all Namaste.

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