One of those days . . .

Plus more Autumn Colours
Today I was supposed to pick up Biskit and the grandkids at midday, get lunch from the chippy, and look after the lot this afternoon.
Well I did the shopping first (note from the blip photo that I actually remembered the shopping list – further note that the hypodermic syringes also in the photo are in fact ball point pens won in a draw . . . ) then turned up for the kids etc only to find that not only had the kids (daughter and son-in-law) got the time wrong, the grandson was out until one o’clock, and the granddaughter had arranged to go out with her boyfriend . . .
Well Mrs W, Biskit, and yours truly got our carryout and enjoyed our (colourful) lunch.
The hound got a walk, and I got another Autumn shot which I nearly used for my blip, but it’s at extra.

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