
By oryk


Today was not a good day.

It was a day that started with my own personal turmoil, which was drastically overwhelmed by the unraveling horrific events in the lives of those around me.

It was a day that made me conclude that the world can be pretty awful place.

It was a day that involved drinking hot chocolate with my roommate; remembering that I live in a world which contains a horror film, in Esperanto, starring a pre-Trek William Shatner, made on a 1966 budget of about $125,000; and learning a new word (which I must have known before): chiasmus.

So there's that: hot chocolate, The Shat speaking Esperanto, and chiasmus against the stabbings, custody battles, abuse, fear, and anger that seems omnipresent in the worlds of the people I care about.

Hey look, it's a Star Wars Lego on top of some books. And a piece of alien on the edge. Cool.

The weather report says it might snow early in the morning. That doesn't usually happen here.

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