It's a Journey....

By LeeAnn

9 on the 9th of January

I am going to try and do a composite on the 9th of each month, using 9 photos as a record of what went on during the day.
Today's photos show:
1. Must always start with a cup of coffee and either a book or my Kindle.
2. My home office. I am so fortunate to be able to work at home 3 of 5 days a week.
3. Lacey enjoying the sunshine.
4. This is Cheyenne, our very old cat. She is in her usual spot, waiting for food.
5. Today was a nice sunny, warm day - great day for a walk.
6. I walked to the library - always a fun place to be.
7. Checked out a new author after reading some comments on blipfoto that were praising her books.
8. Off to Praise Band rehearsal (I play the keyboard).
9. Part of our band, waiting for the others to show up.

So it's been a pretty uneventful, but good day. Good Night!

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