
By kevinmcc

An old haunt...

Over a quarter a century ago, this was my evening haunt - The Old 5th Avenue Tavern. So close to my house, I considered it an extension to my living room.

Meet Larry, sitting in the middle of the picture. He was the only mid afternoon customer when I dropped in. Interestingly enough - Misty the bartender on duty told me that she was originally born in Scotland. Small world!

Larry and I compared notes on life in the early 1980's and how the tavern has evolved over the years. Pretty much a place frozen in time.

They still have Taco Tuesday's. Two tacos for a buck (same price as 20 years ago,) and now they have Sloppy Joe Thursdays.

The biggest change I can see is the multiple flat screen TV's on the wall and a digital cash register. Other than that - a special moment in history.

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