
By wiizzz

Gym Hockey

Look how well John can spell 'family's'-said no one.

Gym hockey was INTENSE today. My team vs Andrew's team, playoff game, period 5. I almost broke two opposing member's hands (including Andrew's) and it was a tie-game, the score being 2-2. There's a sudden death game next time after our gym test-which most people in the school will probably fail.

I was so exhausted for the rest of the day (it didnt help that I got less than 6 hours of sleep last night) that I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT BAND LESSONS. I got there with 5 minutes to spare, but I'll have to make the lesson up.

Track was mile repeats. I complained throughout the workout as usual but I hit the first one 6:00 and felt like I wasn't trying! But it was on the track. The next two were perimeters and I got 6:06 and 6:14. Sighs. At least I have an excuse-I'm done with Winter Track (I didn't say it was a good one!)

My parents went to curriculum night and to my surprise, they approve of me taking all honors and AP classes!

While they were gone, I was supposed to do all my homework, but I did extensive pentathlon research. Go me! Anyway, I finished Global as soon as they walked through the door and I didn't have much else to do so it was all good.

I'm about to study some Julius Caesar for my quiz tomorrow. I was right about the last one; I got a 90.

Just one question-could you please sign my petition for unwanted smiling? If not, you're part of the problem.

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