WWT London: Magnificent Mandarin
Cuter a reflection in large.
Extra angles: Mandarin colours, Cute pose, Duck and Drake, Shimmering along
Back in the UK; I returned last night to a new house, so it all feels rather strange and bafflingly disorientating... My brother and I enjoyed good weather in Spain, so I got pretty pics, but it'll take me a while to get sorted and post my back blips.
My mother and I went to the Wetland Centre to spend time with the calming creatures there; it was difficult not to post and emperor, nēnē, Bewick's swan (they were out of their enclosure with the tundra geese, and rather excitable), or one of the cranes (they were chasing falling leaves), but the mandarins were looking utterly irresistible.
Today's reassuringly familiar faces are here (or right from Bewick's swans out in the open)
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