Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1821. SOOC!

I am trying to get to grips with my new camera and had a spare half an hour this afternoon to play around with the manual settings a bit.  I also bought a fairly cheap remote release for the camera too (as the Olympus one was almost £70!) so that I could use natural light, lowest possible ISO and still get a clear shot using a tripod.  Hubby bought some new flowers for the lounge on Friday so I thought they would make a good subject.
I'm so pleased with this shot and the extra because I have done nothing to the shot, truly straight out of the camera.....I even managed to use manual focus too!
I've turned comments back on now...I had a real dip in my mood yesterday for reasons I won't go into here and whilst all is not resolved at least things are out in the open.

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