
By cowgirl

Ready-Brek Sheep!

Finally a nice day and I spent most of it at school! I was invigilating today, but it was rather flattering when a teacher that hadn't seen me before asked which exam I was sitting when I asked her where I should go!

Came home and felt the need for a walk, where I took a few shots. I liked this one ( for anyone not familiar with Readybrek it's an instant porridge sort of thing and the ad for it shows kids covered by a glowing line, thus showing how it warms the kids up and sends them off to school with a hearty breakfast ... I think that's what it means anyway! ).

Shadow's improving tho still tender on his front right leg. He's thoroughly spoilt and expects tuna whenever he tells me he's hungry! He finished a tin of it earlier today so has had to be satisfied with biscuits tonight. Thank you for all your kind words for him and for my rather emergency sci-fi blip yesterday. xx

Not much time to comment today sorry.

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