Whole cuppa lenses.

Got a pressie today. Wow!

Double wow when I realised what it was.

If you take the lens cap off you can make yourself a cup of coffee! Cheers R!

I heard a story about a graphic designer was also given one. It mimicked a really expensive Canon lens and took it into the office to show it off to his friends. Just as they were all ooo-ing and aaaa-ing at the generosity of his benefactor, he picked it up and threw it across the room. Apparently his workmates faces were priceless. Now that would have been a blip!

Other news:

Well, I guess everyone will have heard about the demise of a certain high street camera shop by the time I post this.

Am not too happy with the idea that we may not have a hands on shop in Dundee anymore. How can you buy camera if you can't check to make sure you can a) hold the thing steady and b) reach all the necessary buttons with your little fingers?

More importantly, where will all those people find jobs? This is not a good time to be unemployed. It all sucks.

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