Hello Lovely Blippers,

I just knew that Mrs. HCB would get me involved in Silly Saturday - I know that woman so well!

I think it's fair to say that this month, Pinktober, she is obsessed with pink - along with a few thousand or even millions of others - mostly women - and because it's all for a good cause, I didn't make a fuss when she started looking in her BCAM bag to find even more pink stuff to drape round me.

This is the result and I hope that those of you who are of a certain age and haven't yet made an appointment to have a mammogram, will do so very soon because if you don't, then that is silly!

And don't forget that it's not only women who get breast cancer - it affects men too, although how they find out, I'm not sure - because the only reason women have mammograms is because they have bigger breasts than men!  

Mrs. HCB told me that it is a bit uncomfortable having a mammogram, but hey, surely it's better to be uncomfortable for a few minutes and know that you are free from breast cancer because early detection is key to a cure.  You won't regret it and it could save your life!

Of course, we realise that that isn't always the case, so today she and I want to do a "shout out" to all those who are going through treatment for breast cancer - you know who you are - we hope that the treatment is successful and you are soon on the road to recovery.   

We also want to do a big "thumbs up" to friends who have finished their treatment - and again, you know who you are - you are truly an inspiration to so many people.

Please join Mrs. HCB and me during 
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
By clicking HERE
So that those who are not able to pay
Can have a free mammogram.  

Your friend, JH Ted  xx

"Just a reminder - 
     mammogramming your boobs
          is more important than
               instagramming them!"

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