An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Harris Sheep...


Our tumble drier bowed out after a few years of loyal service the other day so a new one was ordered and we were told it would be delivered today between 7.00am & 11.00am. Hmmm...that usually means delivery will be 11.10am but nope, right on the dot of 7am the doorbell rang!  Old machine was away and new machine ready to rumble by 7.30am.  Result.

Day three of having a friend come for lunch.  This time it was my friend A. 

I almost killed her once by making the most awful homemade soup (parsnip and apple.  Tasted ok the night before when I made it.  Was like baby sick the next day.  I can only assume the onions had turned overnight in the fridge.  I didn't realise till we started eating it.  I gave up but she ate hers without complaint!) 

Played safe this time and made my traditional autumnal soup of sweet potato, ginger, chilli & ginger.  Thankfully it was a success.  Served it with wraps filled with smoked paprika hummous, red onion, red pepper, tomato feta and rocket.  Yum.

Alan's support worker Lisa was off ill today so David was in charge.  They headed off on a shopping trip to Stirling.  Alan's loves Debenham's cafe.  Think he likes a waitress!  :-))

A and I had a great catch up and couldn't believe that when we came up for air it was almost 6pm.

A headed off home, D and Alan arrived back.  Had dinner and an early night as felt shattered.  

Today's blip is a art piece we bought in Harris.  It's three little sheep embroidered on Harris Tweed.  I was sending a photo of it to Agnes and it was the only photo I'd taken so it's my blip! :-))

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