Noah, where are you?

We went to town this morning, well J stayed in the car, and as soon as I got out, the heavens opened. I had a waterproof coat on, but my jeans got soaked, & so did my leather bag.I had to stop and shelter in Monsoon ( very apt) and then go on to another doorway, and shelter again. In the end I gave up and just went for it.This photo doesn't show how bad it was but I'm sure you get my drift.  When I got back to the car, J wanted me to take my coat off because he didn't want to get the seats wet. You can probably guess what my reply was! I had to put the heating on as soon as we got in, but I'm now nice & warm & dry . We have been waiting nearly a month for our new bus passes, and guess who's new card arrived first, yes you've guessed right, J's. 

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