Living in Brabant

By AilsaR

Daisy, Daisy, Give Me Your Answer Do

Hm, an extremely dull and dismal day today, one that really tested the powers of 'looking for something other than which is grey'.

Went for a short walk at lunchtime, was startled to notice a student walking across the campus in shorts.

I myself was rooting around behind a rhododendron bush looking for new shoots, when I came across this; a tiny daisy, half unfolded, but unfolded all the same.

After work there was a New Year's drinks (another one!) It was OK, when I got home, a big surprise was waiting for me there - my new tripod had arrived!

I ordered it just before Christmas, as a little present to myself. It's wonderful, I've been practicing with it in the lounge. My new toy!

Now I can take night shots wherever I want, and not have to rely on leaning on bins, electricity meters, etc. Although I'm sure I will still do that sometimes, for the good times. Johnny Cash's version of this song always gives me goose pimples.

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