Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Half eaten

The photo is nothing to do with my day. I was just looking round for something to photograph having failed to take my camera out with me today.

Bit of a rubbish day. Eva's feed/ Tobys sleep didn't work out time-wise so i missed out on a ride. I've felt a bit housebound recently and was desperate to get out for a ride today. I re-did limes clip instead. It was finished off in the dark so God knows what it looks like!! And I hate clipping so it didn't feel like nice me time.

I dug my riding boots out of the garage where they had been stored whilst I was pregnant only to find something had chewed them up. Very annoying as they are not cheap. So I thought I would make do with chaps and muckers till my birthday only to find something had chewed those too! So I did a bit of Internet shopping after tea :0)

Spent a frustrating evening looking for misplaced stuff. I brought my tack home to clean and when I got to the yard noticed only one stirrup leather was on. I thought it would just be at home, but when we got back there was no sign. We searched the car, house, pavement, under the car etc etc. I text Cara at the yard just to check whether it had fallen off and caught under the saddle flap and luckily it had! But we'd spent ages looking for it.

Then at Toby's bedtime we couldn't find Bits, his special rabbit. Very serious!! When we asked him where he'd put him he just kept grinning at us and saying 'somewhere', which is his little joke. Eventually I found him inside a jug which is on the kitchen island shelf. It really was the last place I thought of looking!!

Eva seems to have grown overnight. When we went to put her in her outdoor suit to go for a walk this afternoon we couldn't do it up and I swear it fitted at the weekend! She's so lovely and smiley at the moment and is also becoming a little chatterbox.

Tobes still seems to be in a funny mood, bless him. He told me tonight he wanted to stamp on Eva. He seems to have become very very jealous of her and I think his recent behaviour is because he is trying to get attention (the wrong sort!) Sometimes it's so hard to stay calm with him. No-one ever said being a parent was easy and i know its just a phase and I have to keep reassuring him until I get my sweet little boy back!!

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